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Your game was one of the most polished jam game experiences I've been allowed in the whole year 2017 - the puzzles are cute and interesting, the character art is top-notch and it was simply great that there isn't just one way to play to the end. And the ending sequence was so, so lovely! <3 That's why I had to write a recommendation article about your game as well as I had to upload a little playthrough video of it. :) And not just that you well deserved the 21st place in the whole rating of the Ludum Dare 38, but also a place in our GOTY 2017 list. Thank you so much for this game! <3

Best wishes,

It's like anything you touch is a quality experience. The tone of this one wasn't as "up my alley" as Electra & Idra, but it's undeniable this is a good experience. I hope you and your team celebrated cuz you guys deserve it! Cheers.

LOL That's awesome!